Sasural Simar ka: Indravati to release Siddhanth from earthen pot

Sasural Simar Ka is going on very thrill drama where Idravati and Simar’s face off seen in upcoming episode. As we have told earlier about this dance competition in which Simar loose competition with Indravati.

As Simar told Indravati before dance that is she will win competition then she will release her family members. Though Simar loose competition,Indravati release Siddhnath from earthen pot.

Simar will suspect that why Indravati release Siddhanth and her jagga jasus dimaag will rum from here and there. Indravati is also dayaan like Mohini but she is good type of dayaan who will give happiness to Bharatwaj family.

indravati dayaanActually Indravati is very happy to dance with Simar who challenge her for her dance talent so she release Siddhant and after this if Simar and family will not do nay mistake then she will release Prem and Roli too.

Siddhanth also gets doubt On Indravati that how she release Sanajana and him as she is dayaan. Let’s see if Indravati is really good dayaan or she has some other plan to ruin Bharatwaj family.

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